Why is intergenerational resilience is growing in influence? New paper from Pakistan

It is interesting trying to understand the evolution of the concept of resilience in recent years: from individual trait, to systemic inter-connectedness along the child’s socioecology (individual, family and community); and more recently by encompassing historical and intergenerational responses to trauma in a cultural context, in a shared trauma and resilience framework. The model sounds complex, but the applications and findings were pretty simple.

As in an earlier paper in five countries during the pandemic, in this paper sharing resilience stories across three generations enabled young people to form new narratives and coping strategies – but also for parents and grandparents to draw new coping and understanding of young generations.

This process was, of course, anything but easy! It had to be mastered over a period of time, by young people themselves who facilitated as peer educators. The link to the paper:

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